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This column published on October 11, 2012 in the Cherokee Tribune


By Donald S. Conkey

Date: October 11, 2012 - # 1241 - Title:   The ‘Beware, Danger Ahead’ signs were clear (701)

Apparently, according to the polling results, most of the 70 plus million Americans who watched the presidential debate last week saw what I saw: the reality of the unmistakable stark contrast between two men – Mitt Romney and Barack Obama - who want to be president of these United States. What I saw was that one man, Mitt Romney, came prepared to debate the real issues facing America while the other man, Barack Obama, came to the debate unprepared. Had America voted following that first debate on October 3 the winner would have been decisive for Mitt Romney - hands down?

            But as clear a debate victory for Mitt Romney as this debate was I now wonder how many of the 70 plus million Americans who watched this debate saw the ‘Beware, Danger Ahead’ signs that were so clearly evident to me if America chooses to reelect Barack Obama. The first danger sign clearly evident was that Barack Obama was totally lost without his teleprompter – being totally dependent on someone behind the camera to do his thinking and provide him answers to the questions. This danger sign confirmed what many Americans have come to see during the past four years, that this man is incapable of standing on his own two feet without being held up by his teleprompter. There are now those who now wonder if Barack Obama is, as growing numbers suggest, little more than George Soros’ trained Pied Piper leading America into socialism.

            Another obvious ‘Beware, Danger Ahead’ sign showed up when Obama kept referring to his ‘distribution of wealth’ beliefs as the “American” way. While it sounds good to those who believe in a cradle to grave big government culture it is a sure way to destroy the America that has provided every American the opportunity to create their own individual wealth by using their own individual talents and industry. Competition is one of the foremost “Laws of Nature” that Thomas Jefferson so clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence. It is also one of the foundational laws of “Nature’s God,” Jefferson’s “Creator,” and defined as one of America’s two cornerstones of liberty and freedom.

            But enough of the “Beware, Danger Ahead” signs, let us take a look at the positive signs these 70 plus millions saw as they sat before their TV sets. Many wondered who this Mitt Romney they were now watching was – he didn’t look like the man that was being portrayed by the Obama campaign ads or the left wing media: this man was charming, looked presidential, was well prepared with facts, not wishful thinking, and presented real ideas on how to restore America to its former self, the leader of the free world, and be again the shining hill of freedom that the world’s enslaved have looked to for the past 200 years to help them become free. But the single most important segment of this debate occurred when Mitt Romney challenged Barack Obama - as no others have since Obama came on the political scene several years ago. And what these Americans saw shocked them. This was not the Obama the main stream media has propped up in recent four years. Obama failed, and he failed this debate miserably.

            It was plainly evident that Mitt Romney is prepared to be the President of the United States. Romney’s vision for America is a stark contrast to Obama’s vision for America. It was also evident that Romney was trained, since childhood, to succeed – not fail. His training included a love for America (no more apologies for America or bowing to foreign leaders) and for God’s involvement in the creation of America and of God’s vision for America and how God raised up America’s Founders to create and implement America’s unique governing documents – including America’s matchless Bill of Rights, the Bill of Rights the Obama administration is now attempting to destroy.    

            Another positive sign that became evident after watching Romney on stage is that he has been trained to help individuals, companies needing help, and struggling organizations (the Salt Lake City Olympics) succeed and to reach their highest potential – not ‘dumb-down’ America to its lowest common denominator.

But watch for the “Beware, Danger Ahead” signs – they are there for a reason.

The character of a leader matters and what America saw in Mitt Romney during this debate was a man of character – a man with the character to lead America, and ALL Americans, to succeed and reach its highest potential – beginning on January 20, 2013.