Donald Conkey's Constitutional Gems of Liberty
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Good Governent #18
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Good Government #23
Historical Tidbits


By Donald S. Conkey


Date: December 9, 2010 - # 1050 - Title: December 7, 1941: A day worth remembering (750)


With each passing year, as more and more World War II veterans pass away, fewer Americans remember December 7, 1941, or the fear it engendered in those of us then living. I remember well where I was when we first heard the news that Pearl Harbor had been bombed by the Japanese Imperial Navy – with nearly 3000 Americans killed. It was the first time I had ever seen dad cry. He was a veteran of World War I – and knew the horror of war. But he had no inkling then that 50 million men, women and children would be killed or maimed during what became known as the Great War - or of the atrocities that were committed by evil men and women against mankind during that war.

            While watching a program titled “Hitler’s Guards” recently I remembered several family members killed during that devastating war.  It also reminded me of just how sadistic, cruel and evil one man or party, when given total political power, can be to their fellow man. The Japanese, after capturing most of East Asia, including all of Korea and parts of China, wanted more and attacked Pearl Harbor, thinking as the enemies of freedom today think that America was soft and could be easily conquered. After Pearl Harbor Japan became an ally of Hitler. America first declared war on Japan then on Germany – and Hitler, who had teamed up with Mussolini and had enslaved most of Europe while the rest of the world stood by passively – like most Americans have been doing as the progressive left have taken over America’s government. That War in Heaven (Rev 12) fought to take away man’s agency continues today and seems to be never ending.  

            Hitler was evil personified. Hitler gained power by using the ballot in 1933. He then used his Brown Shirts (Acorn thugs today) to intimate the general population, especially the Jewish citizens of Germany. He shot or sent to the gas chambers all those who didn’t fit into his envisioned Super Race. He indoctrinated the school children and turned many of them into puppets of his regime – even encouraging the children to turn in their parents if they spoke out against Hitler. He burned all religious books. He exterminated six million Jews in gas chambers. He surrounded himself with 20,000 troops to be his personal guards. He survived hundreds of attempts on his life. Even his most trusted turned against him and he finally committed suicide rather than be taken alive by the Russians. He was a madman who had the gift of a golden tongue who could and did engender trust among the uniformed or among those who saw him as a means to achieve self glory and power.

Hitler imitated Satan well. Moses would have likely described Hitler as a modern-day Satan because, as Moses wrote, he “sought to destroy man’s agency;” he was “the father of all lies;” he “deceived and blinded his followers and lead them captive at his will;” and he was “more subtle than any beast (serpent) in the field.” From 1933, the year Hitler was elected by the German people to May 1945 when he committed suicide, twelve years; he destroyed Germany, and the German economy and lifestyle.

There is an old adage that states: “the more things change the more they stay the same.” The names change, the patterns change and the times change but the desire by evil men and women to gain power and self glory lies dormant in the hearts of many – at all times, always looking for the opportunity to take control and feast on any short term glory that comes from enslaving others – always enslaving with good intentions. Hitler was, for a while, adulated as the savior of Germany. The Nazi salute was a salute to Hitler, not the German flag; the acclaim “Hail Hitler” glorified Hitler. But it was all to no avail. It is the Hitler’s of the world who always think they know best what is best for those they consider ‘ignorant men and woman.’ The war against evil will never end until He comes and binds Satan. Only He has the power to curtail the Hitler’s and progressives of the world from waging continuous war against man’s God given agency and freedom.  

One wonders who America’s Moses will be to lead them out of enslavement their progressive leaders are leading them into. Or do we need another December 7th to remind us our freedoms are at risk?