By Donald
S. Conkey
Date: February
11, 2010 - # 1006 - Title: America needs a ‘National Founding Fathers Month’ (836-4103)
In late January Joan and I met with Bruce, our financial advisor, for our annual financial review.
We have known Bruce since he was a precocious child. He was in my scout troop in the mid sixties and was one of only two boys
I had to send home from summer camp during the five years I served as his scoutmaster.
in the intervening years, married, raised four children and has given back, as most scouts do, to his community and church
and has become a highly successful business man and church leader. In addition to discussing our portfolio we discussed our
families. His dad, a World War II veteran and close friend for nearly 50 years, is struggling as the end of his long and productive
life draws nearer. We discussed our children who are facing economic challenges, as all children have. Some more than others!
Bruce then shared an experience he had recently with his stake president, a very successful business man as well as
an area church leader. He told us of a meeting he had had recently with this leader. During this meeting this man stopped
the discussion he was having with his twelve-man council and began discussing the economic storms many of their church members
were facing. He asked how many had jobs. All twelve raised their hands. He asked how many had college degrees. All twelve
raised their hands. His last question was how many had graduate degrees. Fewer raised their hands. His point, he said, was
to tell them that 78 percent of those unemployed today only have a high school education or less. A staggering statistic!
But it emphasized the ever changing requirements of the world and of the society we live in – and of the need for continuing
one’s education to be better prepared to meet the higher demands of our high tech work force.
Later, after Bruce had left, I pondered the message
of his stake president. A news release from the White House then told how this new administration was thinking of lowering
the standards of the schools so there would not be so many deficient schools. This announcement was followed by another announcement
that the North Carolina school system has proposed to eliminate the Founding Fathers from their high school curriculum and
begin teaching America’s history with the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes that began in 1877. What
are these people thinking of? Then I remembered: Hayes administration was near the beginning of the Progressive Movement.
Is there a connection here?
In 1789 the Congress of the United States passed the North West Ordinance, a law that established guidelines that allowed
new states to join the Union. In this law was a section that stated all new states would be required to establish schools
and teach their children “religion, morals, and knowledge.” Perhaps the current administration should give strong
consideration to resurrecting that law and implement it in every state school system – including colleges and universities.
Instead of ‘dumbing down’ the schools to match the level of the students they would be challenging the students
to reach up and develop their God given talents, the talents needed to survive during times when the economic storms of life
surround them.
even give a thought to eliminating the history of America’s Founding Fathers is ludicrous – it smells of Progressivism.
No free nation has ever survived being ignorant of its own history. While I commend the Civil Rights Movement for promoting
its past achievements with Black History Month I think it would behoove not only the Civil Rights Movement but all Americans
better if Black History Month were renamed ‘National Founding Father’s Month.’ It could expand its reach
and extol the lives of not only the black leaders of the Civil Rights Movement but of the Founding Fathers, those men and
women who put their lives on the line to break the bonds of slavery and begin the process that led to the election of Abraham
Lincoln who ended the slave practice in the United States.
Is it possible that the Civil Rights Movement leaders and North Carolina school
leaders have become indoctrinated by the Progressive Movement and are leading their followers back down that path that leads
to slavery, with ‘elitist’ government leaders the taskmasters, not plantation owners? This theory makes sense
when one realizes that an ‘elitist’ government must dumb down its children so they are ignorant of their history
and don’t realize that it was only with ‘God’s Influence’ in the lives of the Founding Fathers that
America, with its Declaration of Independence and Constitution, would become the nation that would end slavery as a flourishing
business and remove slavery as a thorn in the flesh of all mankind. Remember it was Thomas Jefferson who declared that “the
Laws of Nature’s God” was the cornerstone of America’s liberty. This is the history of America that Progressives
do not want today’s students to know or understand.