By Donald
S. Conkey
Date: December 31, 2009 - # 9953 - Title: 2010
– The year to restore America’s freedoms (827)
at midnight, all around the world, people will party and celebrate the coming of a new year, especially those who live in
the “free world,” they who appreciate their freedoms that millions have fought and died to preserve, they who
live under the most perfect laws of freedom ever framed by the mind of man. Yet many despair because they fear for their freedoms.
A year ago America was celebrating the election of Barrack Hussein Obama as the first African American president of
the United States of America, a man eloquent with words who promised the nation “change” with “hope”
for a better America.
Today, many of those who voted for Obama
do not now share the vision for ‘change’ he has, a vision kept well hidden during the campaign. Only a few of
his supporters knew that agenda now immerging: the destruction of America’s capitalistic free market system; silence
opposition via legislation and/or presidential fiat; create a dependency on the government that kills both the initiative
and spirit of individuals; destroy the checks and balances in our Constitution so carefully embedded in the Constitution by
the Founders; and finally, gather all political power into the office of the president and use the Congress and Supreme Court
only as rubber stamps.
Political history now tells us that there were three voting groups who voted for Obama. Group one was the younger generations,
those who wanted to show the world that America was not racist and was becoming ‘politically correct.’ Group two
included the independents, often the retired elderly on Medicare. This group was influenced by a media gone astray, a media
that failed to perform its constitutional duties to investigate and warn the people of the dangers lurking ahead. Obama’s
adoring media ignored those clearly visible warnings that led this group to vote for Obama’s false promises. Group three
includes a group present in all societies, the poor less affluent. This group was enticed by the Obama’s secondary message,
“Soak the Rich” and his implied promise to divide “the spoils” of capitalism with them. This group
does not understand that if capitalism is destroyed ‘that goose that lays the golden eggs of prosperity and liberty’
is destroyed. This group also fails to understand that in spite of their current situation their living conditions exceed
90 percent of the world’s population. Ignorance and greed played a major role in this group’s voting decisions.
Today, a year later, as Obama’s hidden agenda is now openly displayed before the world; those groups who voted
for him are having second thoughts about their choice. The younger generations, those who know little of the principles of
freedom embedded in America’s foundational documents, are now learning just how costly the promised “changes”
will be for them and that the cost could include fines and jail time if the laws being proposed in Obama’s health care
program are ignored or disobeyed. The independents, especially the elderly, are upset because of the proposed cuts in Medicare.
They now see the larger picture and are beginning to see themselves as ‘the target generation,’ a disposable generation
if you will, because they preserved America’s freedoms and liberties and fully comprehend what real freedom has been
or is. This generation understands now that what Obama and Congress are implementing is not what they voted for, or hoped
for, and is mad - and getting madder.
The poorer or less affluent group may
never fully comprehend what Obama is planning for them – place them in bondage, with the government their taskmaster,
not unlike the bondage our ancestors lived under but were set free by that spirit of freedom the Founders embedded deeply
into America’s Constitution. And while the conditions some poor American’s live in today are deplorable we must
not forget that America’s poor have been better taken care of than in any other nation on earth. Never has this group
of people had a greater opportunity to lift themselves out of economic or spiritual bondage than they have had here in America.
Why do the poor of other nations come to America, in spite of the horror stories opponents of freedom exhibit – it’s
because there is opportunity for them to become truly free from the bondages they have lived under in their native lands.
Those of us who see the emerging pattern and direction of the current administration need to realize that “We
the people” are still in charge and each of us can become a part of a great movement of “We the people”
that rejects the false promises of Obama’s utopia and restore America to its foundation of unalienable freedoms and
liberties given to all mankind, not by government, but by God himself. The year 2010 will be an eventful year. Resolve to
become a part of those events and help restore those freedoms to their rightful owners – to “We the People of
these United States of America.” Happy New Year to all!