by: Donald S. Conkey
Date: January 14, 2010 - # 1003 – Has MLK’s ‘dream’ been achieved, ‘as
he had dreamed it?’ (806/4118)
Monday, a national
holiday created to remember the birthday and life of Dr. Martin Luther King. King’s life changed America and his assassination
in April 1968 stirred America as America had not been stirred since the Civil War, a war that removed the shackles of slavery
from African Americans. Breaking slavery’s back required wise men, compromise, a new constitution, a Civil War, and
the descendants of slaves, led by a latter-day Moses, to rise up and challenge America’s resolve to free ‘all
mankind,’ including the Negro, as King referred to his people in a day before the term Negro was ‘politically
King’s annual holiday provides me a time to ponder his accomplishments, accomplishments
that took far too long to achieve, the final end of slavery, implied as it was. We need to remember slavery was one of two
issues never fully resolved during the Constitutional Convention in 1787 – but ended up in the Constitution anyway,
Article I, Section 9. But America continues to be divided over racial issues and I often wonder if King would be pleased with
what his associates have achieved since his assassination. I also wonder if his ‘Dream” has been fulfilled as
‘he had dreamed it.’ I think not. Nor do I believe he would be happy with the directional changes made by his
associates shortly after his death. His associates sold out King’s dream just as Lincoln’s associates sold out
his dream of bringing a nation together – not dividing it further, as Lincoln’s followers did with their carpet-bagging
Evidence of his associate’s sell-out can be found in those 42 members of the Congressional
Black Caucus (CBC), individuals primarily elected by African Americans, from primarily African American congressional districts.
Every African American congressperson but one has become a member of ‘the club,’ the name the CBC members gave
themselves. The CBC was formed in 1969, following passage of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society legislation, with nine members.
In 2008 membership in ‘the club’ had risen to 43 – 10 percent of the House of Representatives. It has become
a powerful legislative force, for democrats. J.C. Watts, a republican from Oklahoma: the holdout.
When asked
why he refused to join CBC Watts said “they say that I had sold them out and [was an] ‘Uncle Tom,’ and I
said well, they deserve to have that view. But I have my thoughts too. And I say they are race-hustling poverty pimps.”
Harsh words for fellow African Americans. When a white congressman attempted to join ‘the club’ he was refused
membership. A CBC member, congressman William Lacy Clay, responded to his request for membership by stating “He does
not, and cannot meet, the membership criteria, unless he can change his skin color. Primarily, we (CBC) are concerned with
the needs and concerns of the black population, and we will not allow white America to infringe on these objectives.”
I doubt if King’s ‘dream’ included such racist language.
My point in writing about the
CBC is that it reminds me of another ‘club’ of democrats – the ‘Southern Block’ of congressional
members, all democrats, elected from the south following the election of Franklin Roosevelt. Their strength and influence
was immense and Roosevelt turned to them to help pass his New Deal, a program that led to Kennedy’s New Frontier, Johnson’s
Great Society, and Obama’s program to ‘fundamentally change’ America into a socialist society. Obama is
receiving strong support for his programs from the CBC. Two of the original nine CBC members, John Conyers from Detroit and
Charles Rangel from New York City, are still in congress and both, due to their seniority, chair powerful committees in the
House. That is what happened with the ‘Southern Block’ during the New Deal years, all the powerful committees
were chaired by democrats from the south with long seniority.
I’d like to believe that King’s
‘dream’ would have focused on helping his followers strengthen their families, not destroy families as the Great
Society did, purposely; to help those families educate their children, with fathers assuming the role of
family patriarch and bread winner to help their children lift themselves up through education, and become strong supporters
of true republican government and supporting those principles of freedoms embedded in the Constitution by America’s
Founding Fathers. Had King’s ‘dream’ come-to-pass I don’t believe so many of ‘his people’
would be incarcerated – nor would the school drop-out rate of ‘his people’ continue to grow.
I’d like to believe that had King not been assassinated, as was Lincoln, America would have been able to heal
those deep wounds caused by the racial issues, and America would be closer to achieving King’s ‘dream’ of
‘white and black’ working together.