In this audio visual presentation you'll discover how to make your CD's start automatically as soon as they're placed
in your customers CD drive.
In this video I'll talk you through how to create 'templates' that make your CD creation process a lot faster and easier.
Here I'll talk you through creating an introduction page for your CD's.
In this video I'll talk you through a step-by-step example of putting together a menu screen for your CD (I guarantee it's
a lot easier than you may think).
Here I'll talk you through how to add audio and video to your CD's.
In this video I'll talk through where to find great ideas for products, two case studies of million dollar CD publishing
businesses, and a little-used but incredibly powerful way to easily and instantly increase your sales by as much as 300%!
Here I'll talk you through how to put together a CD insert the right way to increase customer loyalty as well as sales.
In this video I'll talk you through the exact tactic I use for creating unique CD labels in five minutes flat.
For PC's Only - Not For Mac
I must tell you that this eBook only works (to my knowledge) on PC's. If
your computer is running Microsoft Windows, you won't have any trouble at all viewing this eBook
However, if you're on a Mac you'll more than likely have trouble viewing it.
A Great Product + Resale Rights = BIG Profits For YOU
I'm sure you know there's a ton of eBook resale rights around these days. BUT - if you really
want to make money selling an eBook you have rights to, you need:
- A very high quality product.
- An effective sales letter.
- A professionally designed website with great looking graphics.
Now - this eBook is brand new. Get a copy now, start promoting it immediately and you'll make the most profits. Wait a day or a week or a month, and literally more and
more profits will pass you by.
Now, I'm certainly not saying this to brag, but I wrote this sales copy, and my copy has sold hundreds of thousands of
dollars worth of products online, if not millions of dollars worth. AND - from very affordable eBooks
like this one.
Don't believe me?
Then search Google for "Louis Allport" and see what you find.
Now, the Google index does fluctuate for many reasons. But right now (as I'm writing this), I see several thousand websites
selling my products.
Even if each one of those sites is selling just one copy of a $20 eBook a week that I wrote the
copy for, that adds up real quick. My copy and products have made many people a LOT of money over the past two years. They
can make YOU money too - all you need to do to get started is grab a copy of this product.
And just by having a copy of this product, you can sell it or present it pretty much any way you choose. You can even turn
it into a physical product by putting it onto a data CD or a DVD. This would make it a good way to sell on eBay. It's totally
up to you!
If you're interested in the resale rights and selling this product yourself, I'm sure you realize that the sooner you get
a copy, the more you will profit. The longer you wait, the more your competition will pick off your customers.
Click HERE to order your copy of the Instant CD Guide Now and receive the bonus CD below!