We have solved the $$$ part of the equation!

You can join for free and start earning immediately
Our commission structure is based on 5 membership Tiers.
The super ingredient for great earnings is that our memberships are monthly and commissions are Residual for as long as your referrals are active.
And why wouldn't they be active with the super earning opportunity? Earnings are paid directly member-to-member.
Under-spill is created when your down-line upgrades past their sponsor and you receive the commission for the tier you own! 
The Under-spill can make You RICH!

Free  Members earn on their paid referrals upgrades for Tier One only until they upgrade. Then they start receiving commissions according to their Tier.
Free Charter Members earn on their direct referral's Tier One upgrades plus their referral's Tier One's upgrades until they become Paid Charter members. Then they receive full commissions for their Tier levels.
We are offering health-promoting memberships that includes a Super Comp Plan for those that want to help others be Healthier and Happier.

  You can upgrade at any time and really boost your earnings.
Click HERE for the Commission Chart.

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